Founding Story
When I was working on a project for a well-known mattress company a few years ago, I quickly discovered that the mattresses themselves don't make that much of the actual selling price.
In analyzing and testing the competition's mattresses, I found that everyone in the budget segment tried to keep product quality to a minimum. The cost of the mattress itself should be kept low at all costs - at the expense of quality. Marketing, logistics and fixed costs then made up a multiple of the costs for the mattresses themselves.
I realized that most customers are not paying for a good mattress, but rather for marketing, branding, unnecessary logistics and big office space in the city center. In addition, the X-Day Try-Sleep policy associated with lower quality leads to expensive returns of the large and heavy mattresses. In the end, all customers bear the high return costs via the purchase price and sustainability also looks different.
My plans for a high-quality and at the same time cheaper mattress were not wanted in the group and also not feasible. The fixed costs of the group have already driven up the price, even for large quantities.
It became clear to me that a concept for inexpensive quality mattresses only works if I implement the business model myself: With very lean structures, without complex storage and logistics, with smart marketing concepts and a mattress with a low return rate - because our customers simply want quality received, instead of an elaborately staged brand. You can find out more about the details of our business model here.
Since a mattress consists of 95% foam and this is crucial for a good night's sleep, I founded TheFoam. To offer you all better sleep on a quality mattress at the lowest price. Our model is based on quality, transparency and efficiency.
Your Kevin
Founder & CEO of TheFoam
What our customers say about us
Our referral program
Recommend our mattress to your friends and immediately receive
a 15€ voucher if you make a purchase. Your friends get a
€ discount on their mattress. So everyone benefits.
Through the referral program, you help us keep marketing costs as low as possible. This in turn allows us to offer you the highest quality at the lowest price.